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Literary Semester

Semester's Theme: ???
Regulars are only open to active members (unless noted). Judged meetings are open to the public. Meetings start at 7:37 p.m., unless otherwise noted.
"What is a literary meeting?" you ask. Click the picture below to find out more!

All School Open 2006
The lovely ladies of Chi Beta

Spring 2008 Literary Theme:

*First Regular: Don't know

*Second Regular: Don't know

*Third Regular: Don't know

*First Judged: ???

*Second Judged: ???

*Third Judged: ???

All meetings take place in the Chi Beta room of Smith House, unless otherwise noted.

Workin' the head gear...
All-School Open 2004

Spring 2009 Officers
President: Kelly Reuss
Vice President: Lillian Moller-Jacobs
Critic: Whitney Woodrum
Recording Secretary: Bethany Wright
Corresponding Secretary: Alex Smith
Pledge Mistress: Amanda Cox

Whooty Who